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To Schedule an interview with Alan Reinach call: 626 791-1896
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Alan J. Reinach, Esq.
, is a constitutional lawyer, minister, and religious liberty advocate. He serves as President of the North American Religious Liberty Association- West, a public policy organization devoted exclusively to issues of liberty of conscience and religion. NARLA’s web site is www.religiousliberty.info.... Also see:  www.WrittenInTheHeart.org; and www.churchstate.org. Reinach’s law practice emphasizes First Amendment issues and religious discrimination in employment. He lectures frequently on these topics to lawyer groups, as well as speaking in churches throughout the western United States, and conducting seminars on the biblical principles of freedom. He has published numerous articles in law journals and magazines. Reinach’s unique background, training and experience provide a wonderful perspective on both the legal and biblical issues surrounding the public display of the Ten Commandments. 


Bible in Public Schools

            A recent cover story in Time Magazine is about a resurgence among some states in offering elective Bible 
            classes in public high schools.


  • Should the Bible be taught in public schools?


  • Can the Bible be taught in a way that is respectful of differing religious and secular views about the Bible?


  • Do bills requiring the Bible to be taught violate the U.S. Constitution, i.e., the First Amendment’s prohibition on the establishment of religion? 


  • Why do polls consistently show that Americans are so biblically illiterate, and do we need public schools to help reverse this trend?

Alan J. Reinach, Esq., is uniquely qualified to speak to these issues. He is both a constitutional lawyer and a Christian minister, and serves as President of the North American Religious Liberty Association – West, based in southern California, on the web at www.churchstate.org. NARLA is the nation’s oldest religious liberty organization, with roots going back to the American Religious Liberty Association founded in 1893.

He will argue that the Bible can and should be taught in public schools, but that effective teacher training must be part of any such program to insure that students of all faiths or no faith are equally respected, and that the teachers understand the distinction between teaching about the Bible, and urging students to believe that the Bible is the only path to salvation.



To Schedule an interview with Alan Reinach, call: 626 791-1896
or use our

Do-it-yourself Guest Booking Form

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